Friday 23 October 2020

Tarik Torgaddon - Sons of Horus - Pre-Heresy Mournival


Hello everyone

So this was another project I finished recently, actually painted at the same time as my Kalus Ekaddon miniature. This was a fun conversion to make even though it will probably never see much playtime (just as my Loken miniature). Now I have the full Pre-Heresy Mournival completed and that I think is pretty cool.

This miniature is based on the standard-bearer from the MKIV Command Set and a lot of parts from my old Loken model, which had to give its life to make this :-p If you want some more WIP photos check out my Instagram.

And here's the full Mournival completed.

Next up I will finish assembling some upcoming projects and then I will probably try and get my giant Abaddon bust finished before I paint more 28mm stuff.

Until next time


  1. Can I ask where you got the head for Tarik Torgadon?

    1. I honestly don't remember, think it was some random plastic head I did a little green stuff beard on. You might be able to find a picture on my Instagram if you scroll back far enough 😅

    2. Well you did a fantastic job. Best I’ve seen. Can I ask how does the models of Loken and Abadon scale up height with prim models?

    3. I don't own any Primaris models so I honestly couldn't tell you, but I imagine they are quite a bit smaller. The old forgeworld models are more true to scale than the new plastic GW stuff, which isn't really 28mm anymore.
