Monday 19 March 2018

Street Shark? - Jawesome! - RN EStudio

Hello everyone!

The last couple of weeks I've been painting this little project, purely for the lulz and it's been both challenging and fun!

I love bad Shark movies....A lot... the Sharknado Movies, Shark Attack 3 : Megalodon, Sharktopus,  Sand Sharks, Ghost Shark, Jaws 3 and 4 (Also like the two first of course!) 2,3 and 5 Headed Shark Attack just to name a few. They are just stupidly fun, but I'm also the kind of person who watches shows like MST3K and movies with Rifftrax commentaries, so I'm not quite normal I guess.
However, I also have a very vague fond memory of the Street Sharks animated show from the mid-nineties, I might just have watched a few episodes back then (Wasn't really available here in Denmark), but I just remember liking it a lot. So when my little brother linked me this miniature from RN Estudio I just had to get it :-D

I was quite the challenge to paint, human skin is hard enough to paint on a good day, so shark skin really didn't make it any easier. I support Sergio Calvo on Patreon so took some inspiration from his videos about painting  Dzhur-Ghul the robber from Aradia Miniatures. Sadly I'm not as talented as Sergio Calvo, but I still think I did Ok on this and I'm just so happy someone actually made a miniature like this :-D

Anyway! enough talk, here's a full 360 view of the finished model :-)



Hope you liked it!
Back to painting some Sons of Horus now ;-)

I'm currently rewatching all 3 season of Street's not as good as I be honest, its really bad :-D 

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Grulgor Thunderfist - Level 4 Goliath Barbarian - HeroForge

Hello everyone!

After finishing the Knight-Castigator I decided to do a quick, fun little project, which was painting my Dungeons & Dragons character, which I had gotten made by HeroForge a while back :-D

I managed to basically paint it over a weekend and it was a fun experience. I've never painted something made on a 3d printer before, but it was no problem and the details were very impressive! I would recommend HeroForge to anyone looking for a custom miniature for RPG and the like.

Here are a few more pictures :-)

Until next time

Monday 5 March 2018

Cerastus Knight-Castigator - House Makabius - Forgeworld

Hello everyone!

Got around to finishing the Knight-Castigator, so here's a nice large photo dump :-p
Make the shell casings out of plastic rods in 2mm and 2,5mm then just slabbed on some paint and a wash. Also this is in my mind the best use of the Betrayal at Calth Contemptor Dreadnought ;-)
The base miniatures are painted as Salamanders to annoy one of my good friends who plays them :-p

First Knight done, 2 to go ;-)
