Tuesday 18 February 2020

Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron - Sons of Horus - Forgeworld

Hello everyone

I just finished painting another unit for my Sons of Horus army. This time it's some much needed Fast Attack in the form of some Javelin Speeders. I got them with Lascannons but everything is magnetized, so hopefully, someday I will be able to get my hands on some Missile Launchers for them. I have made 2 sets of arms for the gunners one with Multi Meltas and one with Heavy Bolters.

These were great fun to paint even though it took a long time since my scheme required quite a bit of masking, well over 100 hours used in about 1 month.

Anyway enjoy some pictures :)


 Red Leader

Red 2

Next up I will continue my work on my huge Abaddon bust, you can follow along on my Instagram.

Until next time