Tuesday 27 February 2018

Cerastus Knight Castigator - House Makabius - Work in Progress

Hello everyone!

Small progress update today. As some might have seen on my Instagram, I'm currently working on this Knight-Castigator and thought I'd make a small post about it on the blog, since I just "finished" the Knight part of the project.

So far I think I've worked on this model for roughly 2 weeks, never thought I would paint it this fast, but it turns out Knights are really easy to paint, since 80% is just a metal skeleton and everything else is almost so large you can airbrush it :-D I painted it as belonging to House Makabius, because I really liked the colourscheme and also because they were a traitor house and also since Forgeworld makes a very nice transfer sheet for it!
I added quite a lot of Sons of Horus transfers as well, symbolising battle honours and allegiance.

I did make a boo boo when glueing on the carapace armour to the torso, which did ruin it slightly (very slightly but still)....but at this point I just can't be arsed to sand it down and repaint it. Other than that it has been pure joy to paint, even though masking off the armour panels to airbrush the bronze/gold trim did suck, but it was worth it.

Anyway, the Knight is "finished" and I'm currently working on the 2 models which will be placed on the base. Thinking about painting them as Salamanders, since it would annoy one of my good mates :-p  When I get closer to finishing the base I will go back and add some pigments to the knight.

That's it for now, here's a few more pictures :-)


Friday 16 February 2018

Phobos Land Raider MKIIB - GW/Forgeworld

Hello everyone!

Another project has been finished, this time my army is increased with some much needed transport vehicles, 2 Phobos Land Raider MKIIB.

I've never painted a Land Raider before so it has been quite fun, however in the future I might not paint 2 at the same time :-p It wasn't the easiest set to fit together, the mix of resin and plastic part is always a test to properly assemble, as one is precision made and the another not quite as much, but in the end it turned out ok :-D

Anyway have some pictures!

*Oh and before anyone ask, the tracks are from Extra Armour, gives it an awesome Horus Heresy feel.


My next project is a Cerastus Knight-Castigator, which I'm very much looking forward to!

Until next time