Wednesday 26 January 2022

Horus Aximand - Lux Thantor Miniatures


Hello everyone!

Two posts in two days!? that's just madness! But it's true I assure you :-D
So while painting the Forgeworld Praetor I also worked on this custom sculpt by Lux Thantor of Horus Aximand, based on the book art of the Horus Heresy book "The Either" by Graham McNeill.

Together with a few other enthusiasts in the community, we commissioned this model and had it cast in a very limited quantity afterward (with permission of course), so this model is not available for purchase and probably never will be. This is not a 3d designed model but a traditionally sculpted model (proof) and it's absolutely fantastic.

It was such a joy to paint up and I only did minor alterations on the miniature before I started painting it. Painting wise there isn't much to report, as I painted it exactly like I did on the FW Praetor I posted about yesterday.

Anyway, I really hope you like it as much as I do :-) here are some more pictures of the finished model.

Until next time

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Sons of Horus Praetor - Forgeworld


Hello everyone!

It has been a while since my last post, so first of all, I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Newyear!
Even though its been a while since I posted, I have been doing quite a bit of hobbying over my Christmas break, working on some new version of some already existing characters in my Sons of Horus army. So first up is my second version of my own character Anaxis Pythees, which was actually the first HQ model I painted for my army, if you go back through my posts you'll find it somewhere in 2017 I think.

This model was actually gifted to me by a guy on Instagram, for the sole reason that he wanted to ensure I got around to painting it. Never had that happen before, but it was really generous of him.

I did some minor conversion work on the mode, primarily on his right arm which was cut into several pieces and then pined and green stuffed together again, to get a better angle for the sword (which is from Conversion World). The model is painted in my usual scheme, but like I did with Maloghurst I did some more brush highlighting in the end instead of just a simple edge highlight. I'm overall rather happy with how this one turned out and I'm really looking forward to painting the Terminator Praetor!

Anyway, enough talk here's a little 360 view.

New vs. Old

Until next time