Thursday 24 October 2019

Garviel Loken & Ezekyle Abaddon - Sons of Horus - Forgeworld

Hello everyone!

I managed to get my little side project finished, just before I travel to MWW in Malmø this weekend, it was I close call but I managed to get Loken finished.

If you've read this blog long enough you might remember that I've painted this miniature before, 4 years ago actually. I think it might have been the first Horus Heresy miniature I painted.

Even though I pretty much only play Traitor Sons of Horus, I really wanted to paint a new version of Loken more fitting in the style of my army.

I also don't think I've posted about Abaddon really other than the "Paint Justaerin Black" tutorial I did a while back so decided to include a few more pictures of him as well.

Hope you like them :)

 I'll try to take some pictures at MWW, so until next time


  1. hello i would like to ask why the base is this reddish color.
    im trying to figure out a base for istvan 3

    1. Because it a nice complementary colour to the seagreen of the Sons of Horus
